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Make it Happen!! – the first step of a classic car restoration - Precision Car Restoration

Make it Happen!! – the first step of a classic car restoration

Just for fun lets imagine you have a classic car that’s been sitting in a garage, in a field, or in a barn.  Its dirty, it’s dusty, and you’re pretty sure something’s been living in it.   You see it all the time and you think to yourself “I’m gonna fix that up someday”.  Year after year you keep telling yourself this, but your classic just sits and sits. You remember driving it not too long ago, but you start doing the math and  “That was 20 years ago!!” 

Well guess what, it’s never going  to come to life without a commitment to making it happen.  This is a common story.  Someone has every good intention of restoring their classic, but never takes that first step.  The first step is always the hardest.  Making that call to the restoration shop, or getting the estimate, or even just removing the boxes that are piled from hood to ceiling, is all it takes to get the ball rolling. Every restoration has to start somewhere and making that first step is just the beginning of making your memories come back to life.

1928 Ford Model A1928 Ford Model AA

Knowing who to call or where to go can be overwhelming in itself.  When undertaking your project you want to know that you’re given the right information.  A good relationship with a restoration shop is what will help you relax as you work through your project.  Open communication, honest answers, and accessibility will comfort you along the way.  The process and the memories of a restoration are just as important as the end result,  so developing this relationship is what will make every penny and minute worth it.

Presicion resized 6001969 Plymouth Roadrunner

I don’t want to say to call a tow truck and deliver your car to the shop right away, but when you have those thoughts of restoring that space taker in the garage, act on it!  The car isn’t getting any newer, parts aren’t getting any cheaper, and you’re not getting any younger.  So make the move, do your homework, and make it happen, because in just a short time the only thing you will be putting on your hood is a fresh coat of wax.

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